June 22, 2023, Posted by Lion Mentor

What is the Golden Thread?

Ever wondered what is the Golden Thread?

It is a divine thread-connection of destiny that God and the Universe has made in accordance to your true decision.  These threads are not seen by the human eye, but instead seen by your eye of faith also known as your third-eye.  And through your eye of faith may you truly understand your providence.

“Once you make a true decision, God and the Universe will conspire together and weave specific people in the fabric of your life to bring that true decision into your dominion realm.”

The weaving of people in your life by God and the Universe for the fulfillment of your true decision is providence.  And it is your third eye also known as your eye of faith where you sense the “Golden Thread” that connects the full picture of your providence.

Hope you enjoyed this quick lesson on what is the golden thread.

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Be Enlightened.  Be Empowered.  Be A Lion.

Lion Mentor


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What is the Golden Thread?

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